August 2024: Full On and Fiery
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash
On 4 August, a warm New Moon in Leo makes the month’s first weekend a memorable one. A Pluto opposition injects a sharp edge into this fiery lunation as it unfolds over the first half of August. It is a time to implement last Summer’s lessons on love and desire as learned during Venus’ reversal in Leo from late July to early September 2023.
Mars and Jupiter lend an intense, erratic vitality to the New Moon from Gemini. As Jupiter presses an advantage on Saturn, the fruits of the seeds sown during this lunar cycle are given scope to last the distance. As a fixed sign, Leo also signifies endurance. Venus square Uranus in fixed signs on 2 August signals upcoming turbulence.
As Mercury turns around on 5 August, something which has not been working as effectively as it ought to comes undone in order to be set right and then celebrated.
The strong Virgo energy of 5 August signals the need to clean up and to prioritise service. When Mercury retrogrades first in Virgo and then Leo, thoughts and feelings arise to be gently probed. Virgo supports measured judgement whereas Leo champions heartfelt emotion. How best to integrate their functioning is a live theme throughout Mercury’s retrograde phase until 28 August.
While Mercury reverses in Virgo, reflect on the extent to which you are crafting useful order versus just nit-picking. As Mercury moves through Leo, check whether it is your heart or your conceit which is driving your decision-making.
Sun sextile Jupiter on 7 August provides an abundant confidence boost and a welcome break from mercurial interrogation. The following day’s Mercury-Venus conjunction in Virgo allows your message to land perfectly. A client of mine happens to be giving his fifth best man speech that day, and this time for his very best friend. He will be on top form and his audience will relish his stories.
On 14 August, when Mars meets Jupiter, the risk of acting rashly, mindlessly and with excessive force is heightened. On the plus side, more than seems humanly possible can get done at this time. Interactions with others might also proliferate.
The next day, as Mercury enters Leo on 15 August, the temptation to say too much can be hard to resist. Alternatively, you can find the confidence to finally share whatever is on your mind. With Mercury still retrograde, ideas need a little while longer to marinade before they are expressed out loud.
When Mars squares Saturn on 16 August, the consequences of whatever happened under Mars conjunct Jupiter start to manifest and there’s a risk that things can get difficult and messy. By 18 August, Mercury square Uranus can lead to disruption. Or, more usefully, inspired if somewhat unconventional solutions.
The Leo New Moon culminates on 19 August in a Full Moon in Aquarius. Aquarian cool detachment is temperamentally a world away from Leonine grand passion. Yet the configuration of this particular lunation is brimming with Shakespearean drama. It is intense, full on and ruled by hard-hitting, discipline-minded Saturn.
The Aquarius Full Moon incorporates a Jupiter-Saturn square. This is the first of three cosmic tests on how our world has evolved since the planetary pair last renewed their 20-year cycle in December 2020. Two more tests will follow on Christmas Eve 2024 and in mid-June 2025. These squares can also act as windows on individual growth and maturity since that exceptionally challenging year.
A few days later, when the Sun enters Virgo on 22 August, the theatrics begin to subside. Venus square Mars, Mercury sextile Mars and Venus trine Uranus on the ensuing days prevent life from getting too dull.
As Mercury ends his latest retrograde turn in Leo on 28 August, things start to feel a bit more right and stable again, now informed by the astrology of what August has revealed to us. As Venus enters Libra, getting along with each other becomes easier and more enjoyable again.
Astro Tips
Friday 2 August
An unnerving surprise
Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Sunday 4 August
Dazzle your audience
New Moon in Leo
Monday 5 August
Smart and sensible is hot
Venus enters Virgo
Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo
Wednesday 7 August
Multiple reasons to smile
Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
Thursday 8 August
Technical, beautiful brilliance
Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo
Wednesday 14 August
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
Thursday 15 August
Tell everyone all about it
Mercury enters Leo
Friday 16 August
Muddled, unclear outcomes
Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
Sunday 18 August
Firm, erratic views
Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Monday 19 August
Full-on drama
Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo
Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini
Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Full Moon in Aquarius
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
Thursday 22 August
Be pragmatic
Sun enters Virgo
Friday 23 August
Effective, dynamic interactions
Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini
Saturday 24 August
Lively debate
Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini
Tuesday 27 August
Caution creates space
Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
Wednesday 28 August
Clarity of vision moves you
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
Mercury stations direct in Leo
Thursday 29 August
Socialise with ease and purpose
Venus enters Libra
Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius
Astro Request
How can you draw on the Leo New Moon between 5-19 August to favour love and generosity?
Your personal experience is shaped by how this general forecast connects to your own birth chart, and how you respond to the planetary influences. For astrological guidance tailored to you, email